국산장비활용랩 visual_03


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화학, 생물, 식품, 제약, 보건환경, 석유화학, 고분자 등 유기물의 정량 및 정성

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※ 신청 전 담당자에게 문의 바랍니다.    - 담당자 : 조지영 (042-865-3925)


☞ 유기화합물 정량, 정성 분석에 사용되는 초고성능 액체 크로마토 그래프 시스템
☞ 우수한 감도와 높은 해상도를 유지하면서 기존의 HPLC 보다 4~10배 빠른 분석 결과를 제공함으로써 생산성과 효율성을 만족
☞ 최대 18,800 psi (1,300 bar) 까지 높은 압력을 견뎌낼 수 있으며 Linear drive 기술을 적용한 2개의 펌프로 정확하고 정밀한 유속을 제공


ChroZen UHPLC Pump



Hydraulic system

Dual pistons in series pump with proprietary individual servo-controlled linear drive technology,
featuring truly automatic compressibility compensation

Flow range

0.001 - 2.000 mL/min(Max. 5ml/min)

Flow precision

≤ 0.075 % RSD or 0.005 min SD, whichever is greater

Flow accuracy

± 1% or ± 10 μL/min, whichever is greater

Maximum operating pressure

18,800 psi (1300 bar)

Solvent selection

2 solvents per pump module(A/B)

Delay volume

50 μL when using 35 μL mixer/Optional mixer : 100uL, 150uL

Integrated degassing unit

Integrated 2-channel degasser, with 480 μL chambers

ChroZen UHPLC PDA Detector



No. of PDA channel



< ± 0.7 x 10-5 AU (Empty cell, 2 sec Rinse time, 254 nm)  

Wavelength range

190 – 950 nm

Flow cells

Standard : 2.4 μL Volume cell path length and 1,000 psi pressure maximum

ChroZen UHPLC Autosampler



Injection range

Partial loopfill : 0 - 10 μL Full loop

Precision Reproducibility (valid at 1.0 cP)

RSD < 0.5% for partial loopfill injections, injection volumes > 5 μL at constant pressure

Pressure range

0 - 18,800 psi (0 – 1300 bar)

Sample capacity

96 x 2 mL vial (two trays default)

Carry over

0.05% with programmable needle wash

ChroZen UHPLC Column Compartment



Temperature Range

4℃~90℃(Peltier cooling and heating)

Temperature Stability


No. of Columns

Max. 3 ea of 15 cm columns