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전주센터 세미나 개최 안내 (7. 20 (수))
이름 : 최고관리자 | 작성일 : 2005.07.18 16:37 | 조회수 : 38424
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전주센터에서 AFM(Atomic Force Microscopy) 전문가를 초청하여 ˝나노 융합기술˝이라는 주제로 세미나를 개최하오니 관심있는 분들의 많은 참석바랍니다. ■ 일 시 : 2005. 7. 20(수) 16 : 00 ■ 장 소 : 한국기초과학지원연구원 전주센터 세미나실               (전북대학교 농과대학 1호관) ■ 연사 및 세미나 주제   - 서경자 박사 (Temple Univ. Chemistry)      ˝AFM Nanolithography on Alkanethiol SAM˝ ※ 문의 : 조선아 교육담당자 063) 270-4228, jsa@kbsi.re.kr ------------------------ 세미나 초록 ---------------------------------------- AFM Nanolithography on Alkanethiol SAM AFM Nanolithography Metal nanostructures are the potential components in practical micro- and nanoelectronic devices. In-situ electrodeposition combined with atomic force microscopy (AFM) nanoshaving was suggested as a procedure to fabricate metal nanostructures using the AFM tip to pattern an alkanethiol self-assembled monolayer (SAM) followed by electrochemical deposition. This procedure leads to the reversible creation of metal nanostructures controlled only by the applied potentials. This is the first report of a combination of AFM nanoshaving and nanostructure electrodeposition through a “one-pot” procedure. Previous attempts had failed in the reversible and in-situ electrochemical fabrications of metal nanopatterns, because either non uniform electrodeposition occurred, or simultaneous deposition occurred in defects. Surface Diffusion of Adsorbate Diffusion of adsorbates on surfaces is an important surface process that influences reaction and monolayer growth mechanisms. The structural stability of a thiolate SAM on gold depends on the diffusion of adsorbed molecules and the gold atom to which they are attached. The effect of substrate potential and tip scanning on the structure of a functionalized aromatic thiol SAM was investigated in a 4-methybenzenethiol (4-MBT) SAM on Au(111). In our electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) study, the striped structure of a 4-MBT SAM was observed with single molecule resolution. The growth of large domains of ordered molecules, and the effect of potential on this process, was observed by time lapse scanning. The change of surface morphology in the SAMs suggests that the motion of adsorbate-Au complexes is due to the bonding strength change of adsorbate to gold induced by the potential applied to substrate. These results are notable because other groups have found it challenging to create ordered aromatic thiol SAMs and to obtain molecular resolution images. To our knowledge the 4-MBT SAM has not been imaged previously, let alone in an electrochemical environment.

공지사항 목록 : 번호, 파일, 제목, 이름, 작성일, 조회수
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