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전주분소 세미나 개최안내(2003. 8. 21)
이름 : 최고관리자 | 작성일 : 2003.08.12 09:04 | 조회수 : 38774
컨텐츠 영역입니다.
안녕하십니까 저희 한국기초과학지원연구원 전주분소에서는 8월 21일(목) 아래와 같이 세미나를 개최하오니 관심있는 분들의 많은 참여를 바랍니다.    - 아 래 - ▣ 일 시 : 2003년 8월 21일(목) 16 : 00 ~ ▣ 장 소 : 전주분소 세미나실 ▣ 주 제 : Novel Optical Techniques to Probe and Manipulate Naoscales Structures and               Dynamics in Biomimetic and Biological Systems. ▣ 연 사 : 황지성 박사 (NIST, Gaithersburg, USA) ■ 연사 약력소개 1980. 3 - 1986. 2    Seoul National University, B.S. (Condensed Matter Physics) 1987. 1 - 1993. 4    Michigan State University, Ph.D. (Condensed Matter Physics) 1993. 4 - 1996. 8    The Johns Hopkins University, Postdoctoral Fellow (Biophysics) 1993. 4 - 1997. 7    Research Associate Scientist                           - Biophysics, The Johns Hopkins University 1997. 8 - 1999. 7    National Research Council Research Associate                           - National Institute of Standards and Technology 1999. 8 - 현재       Research Biophysicist                           - National Institute of Standards and Technology ■ Abstract The promise of novel scanning optical microscopies including near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) and laser confocal microscopy (LCM) is to provide nanoscale quantitative analysis of optical, chemical, and biological properties of biomimetic and biological systems. This talk will describe recent and ongoing NIST research on following subjects; Fluorescence and polarimetric NSOM to investigate nanoscale chemical composition in biomimetic and biological membranes and local optical properties of photonic polymer films; Laser-based novel optical techniques to probe and manipulate structures and dynamics of nanoscale objects such as single molecules and quantum dots; and Integrated optical and protein separation techniques to achieve the detection sensitivity needed for analysis of the proteome and genome of single cells.

공지사항 목록 : 번호, 파일, 제목, 이름, 작성일, 조회수
번호 파일 제목 이름 작성일 조회수
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