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2024 KBSI Bio-facility & Bio-science Conference 개최
이름 : 관리자 | 작성일 : 2024.10.23 15:55 | 조회수 : 1065
컨텐츠 영역입니다.

2024 KBBC KBSI Bio-facility & Bio-science Conference
  • Date : November 14 - 15, 2024
  • Venue : Korea Basic Science Institute(KBSI) Ochang Institute of Biological and Environmental Science, Building No.100 (162, Yeonguidanji-ro, Ochang-eup, Cheongwon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do)
  • Hosts : KBSI 한국기초과학지원연구원 KOREA BASIC SCIENCE INSTITUTE, 충청북도, CB-KOFST, 첨단대형장비 공유·활용 체계구축 사업단(NEXUS/CELINE)
  • Program Schedule Day 1
    Date Time Program Note
    Thu. Nov. 14 10:00~10:05 Opening Speech Gwan-Soo Hong
    10:10~11:25 KBSI Young Scientist Session (KL) Eun Hee Han (KBSI) Evaluation of NK cell function Imaging of heterotypic CICs and Monitoring of Selective activation Chair Yang Hoon Huh (KBSI)
    (KL) Sungho Tak (KBSI) Brain causal network analysis for 7T MRI and its findings from patients with depression and early-stage stroke
    (KL) Cheol-Jung Lee (KBSI) Ubiquitin-Driven Degradation of STAT2 and ELK3: A Mechanism Underlying Cancer Cell Growth and Tehrapy Resistanc
    (KL) Seungjin NA (KBSI) CyGate provides a robust solution for automatic gating of single cell cytometry data
    (KL) Hyeongseop Jeong (KBSI) Structural Studies of Biological Macromolecules using Cryo-EM
    11:30~11:45 Inaugural Meeting of the NMR User's Association Hae Kap Cheong
    11:45~13:00 Lunch
    13:00~13:30 Opening Ceremony: KBSI President(and Govemor, National Assembly member, etc.) Moderator Sang-Mi Jun
    13:30~15:40 1.2GHz NMR and Future (IL) Jeong-Yong Suh (SNU) MEchanistic investigation of types I-E and I-F dual CRISPR inhibition by AcrlE4-F7 Chair Donghan Lee (KBSI)
    (IL) Jin Hae Kim (DGIST) The disordered N-teminus modulates the conformational metamorphosis of IscU, the Fe-S cluster assembly protein
    (IL) Ji Hun Kim (CBNU) pH and membrane-dependent conformational changes of membrane proteins, Cav3 and CD44
    (IL) Nak-Kyoon Kim (KIST) Elucidating folding dynamics of the Vc2 c-di-GMP riboswitch aptamer using NMR spectroscopy
    (IL) Chin-Ju Park (GIST) DNA recognition of FOXO4 transcription factor and development of peptide inhibitors targeting FOXO 4-p53 interactions
    (PL) Hashim Murtadha Al-Hashimi (Columbia Univ.) From static 3D structures to dynamic conformational ensembles: How NMR is revolutionizing structural biology
    15:40 ~ 16:00 Coffe Break
    16:00~18:20 Frontiers in Structural Biology (PL) Myung Hee Kim (KRIBB) Molecular insights into host-microbe interactions Chair Jungwook Kim (GIST)
    (IL) Kuglae Kim (YONSEI) Structural and Pharmacological studies of Serotonin Receptor
    (IL) Jin Yonung Kang (KAIST) Mechanism of transcriptional al regulation by anscent RNA element, HK022 putRNA
    (IL) Sung-Hoon Jun (KBSI) Cryo-EM structure of the Fdh3 complex reveals a unique electron transfer network and molucular mechanism
    (IL) Jae-Hyun Park (SKKU) Structural insight into HBV receptor NTCP and virus binding
    (SL) Eric Func Chen (Thermo Fisher) New Applications in Cryo Electron Microscopy: From Basic tor Transitional Science for Therapeutic Discovery and Global Strategies
    18:20~18:30 Group Phoro
    18:30~ Banquet
    Day 2
    Date Time Program Note
    Fri. Nov. 15 09:30~11:50 Omics Approaches For Unraveling Complex Biological Netoworks (PL) Eunjoon Kim (KAIST) Synaptic Dysfunction in autism spectrum disorders Chair Jin Young Kim (KBSI)
    (IL) Jong Bae Park (NCC) Proteogenomics in Gliblastoma Recurrence
    (IL) Eunok Paek (HYU) Enhancing Phosphoproteomic Analysis Through Deep Learning: From Predictive Spectral Libraries to Structure-Aware Phosphosite Prediction
    (IL) Do Yup Lee (SNV) Metabolomics decodes Microbiome-Hostinteraction
    (IL) Jaekwang Kim (KBRI) Deciphering the role of lipids in Alzheimer's disease
    (KL) Heeyoung Hwang (KBSI) chromosome-Centric Proteome Research of Cholangiocarcinoma
    (KL) Seo Young Jang (KBSI) The lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 Inhibitor Darapaladib sensitises cancer cells to ferroptosis by remodelling lipid metabolism
    11:50~13:30 Lunch
    13:30~15:40 Chungbuk 4GSR Synchrotron Accelerator and New Drug Development (PL) Tsuyoshi Inoue (Osaka Univ.) Initiatives of AMED-BINDS for Seamless Support of Life Science and Drug Discovery in Japan Chair Hye-Yeon Kim (KBSI)
    (IL) Kyeong Kyu Kim (SKKU) Deubiquitinase inhibition as a cancer therapeutic strategy
    (IL) Jin-hee Jo (CRI) Rationale for Early Construction of Innovation-Leading Beamlines and Strategic Focus Areas
    (IL) Jongsoo Lim (Novorex) Biophysical assays in drug discovery: the most reliable way to check target engagement
    (IL) Jeong Soon Park (CKD) Research on Drug Discovery Using X-Ray Crystallogrpahyin CKD Pharm
    (IL) Hee-Chul Ahn (Dongguk) USP21 as therapeutic targets
    15:40~15:45 Closing Speech Geum-Sook Hwang

    ※ PL, Plenary Lecture (30 min); IL, Invited Lecture (20 min); SL, Special Lecture (30 min); KL, KBSI Lecture(15 min)

    ※ The above information is subject to change.


    Ochang Institute of Biological and Environmental Science, Building No.100 (162, Yeonguidanji-ro, Ochang-eup, Cheongwon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do)

    ※ Departure: Ochang IC / Arrival : KBSI Ochang Institute of Biological and Environmental Science, Building No.100


    Pre-registration Button

    • Method : Click the pre-registration button and submit
    • Deadline : Until Oct. 31, 2024
    • Inquiry : KBSI Department of International and Public Relations(042-865-3569/3932)

    Hosts : Hosts : KBSI 한국기초과학지원연구원 KOREA BASIC SCIENCE INSTITUTE, 충청북도, CB-KOFST, 첨단대형장비 공유·활용 체계구축 사업단(NEXUS/CELINE)


공지사항 목록 : 번호, 파일, 제목, 이름, 작성일, 조회수
번호 파일 제목 이름 작성일 조회수
1333 첨부파일 관리자 2024.12.12 2,463
1332 첨부파일 관리자 2024.11.27 1,027
1331 첨부파일 관리자 2024.11.05 1,312
1330 첨부파일 관리자 2024.11.01 898
1329 첨부파일 관리자 2024.10.29 821
첨부파일 관리자 2024.10.23 1,066
1327 첨부파일 관리자 2024.10.23 854
1326 첨부파일 관리자 2024.10.23 881
1325 첨부파일 관리자 2024.10.10 1,039
1324 첨부파일 관리자 2024.09.27 993
1323 첨부파일 관리자 2024.09.04 1,528
1322 첨부파일 관리자 2024.07.02 2,165
1321 첨부파일 관리자 2024.06.10 2,496
1320 첨부파일 관리자 2024.06.05 2,427
1319 첨부파일 관리자 2024.05.09 2,837
1318 첨부파일 관리자 2024.05.09 2,591
1317 첨부파일 관리자 2024.04.02 3,700
1316 첨부파일 관리자 2024.03.12 3,161
1315 첨부파일 관리자 2024.02.23 3,052
1314 첨부파일 관리자 2024.01.05 8,120