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7 T Human Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanner

7 T Human Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanner Leading-edge Equipment Home

Equipment Introduction

7 T Human Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanner make images sensitive up to the resolution of ~0.2x0.2 mm2. By using the 8 channel transmission system, high definition brain structures can be utilized to brain disease and function studies.

Equipment Characteristics

  • Actively shielded compact 7 T superconducting magnet and gradient coils
  • 8-channel transmit and 32-channel receive RF systems
  • Non-invasive ultra high resolution images and spectra

Representative Research Case

Ultra high definition of MR images for non-human primate brain disease

Integrating the contrast information obtained from various MR imaging methods at 7 T human MRI for non-human primate brain diseases to do early and precise diagnostics

Comparison of QSM images between normal and AD model primate brain


  • Improved high-resolution structural brain images at 7 T, in comparison with 3 T
  • 200 μm in-plane resolution image