Ultra High-Resolution Isotope Microscope System
Ultra High-Resolution Isotope Microscope System Leading-edge Equipment Home
Equipment Introduction
- The third-generation large-geometry secondary ion mass spectrometer (IMS1300, model name: IMS-1300HR3, Cameca) designed for in-situ measurement of elemental and isotopic compositions of micron-scale areas on the surface of solid samples in earth sciences, nuclear chemistry, and industry.
- The high mass-resolution is achieved by the use of a large double-focussing mass spectrometer (energy and mass refocussing) to prevent the complex isobaric interference for the analysis of geological samples.
- Accurate analysis of the isotopic compositions of trace elements at concentrations of a few parts per million. For most elements, routine detection limits of a few parts per billion are readily achieved.
- SCAPS (Stacked CMOS Active Pixel Sensor) ion imaging detector allowing a quantitative acquisition of ion image formed in the direct imaging mode.
Representative Research Case
in-situ stable isotope analysis
- Developing a high-precision in-situ three oxygen isotope (16O, 17O, and 18O) analysis for minerals (olivine, quartz, and zircon) using 3-Faraday detector mode
- Developing a high-precision in-situ silicon and magnesium isotope analysis for minerals
in-situ quantitative image acquisition
- Developing automatic routines for quantitative image acquisition using SCAPS image detector
Detailed view of SCAPS image sensor
Three oxygen isotope analysis for standard zircon.
All analysis are plotted along the TF line, showing its precision and reliability
Mass scan showing the simultaneous oxygen isotopes measurement for olivine.
All detectors are Faraday detectors, which is more versatile than electron multiplier.
For 17O measurement, FC2 Faraday detector with the resistor of 1012 ohm is used