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First strontium isotope maps of human hair and tap water in South Korea 2022 > Representative Research Publications > Research Results Home

First strontium isotope maps of human hair and tap water in South Korea

  • Science of the Total Environment / February 2022
  • Woo-Jin Shin, Mukesh Kumar Gautam(First author), Kwang-Sik Lee(Corresponding author)

Research Summary

National-scale distributions of strontium isotope (87Sr/86Sr) ratios of human hair and tap water was firstly reported in South Korea and correlation between them was investigated.
In Eastern Korea, human hair and tap water had the similar 87Sr/86Sr ratio each other, whereas the samples in Western Korea showed the relatively large difference between them.
The 87Sr/86Sr ratio for human hair collected in Western Korea would be affected by exogenous sources such as food, dust and groundwater.

Expected Outcomes

National-scale 87Sr/86Sr ratios of human hair can be used to trace geographical origin of hair found at the crime scene, and then help an officer in charge efficiently solve the case.

Related Figures

[Figure 1] Deviations between 87Sr/86Sr ratios for human hair and tap water in each province of western and eastern Korea[Figure 1] Deviations between 87Sr/86Sr ratios for human hair and tap water in each province of western and eastern Korea

[Figure 2]  Main factors controlling 87Sr/86Sr ratios for human hair collected in each province of western and eastern Korea[Figure 2] Main factors controlling 87Sr/86Sr ratios for human hair collected in each province of western and eastern Korea

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