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Status of Cooperation

Status of Cooperation Int'l Relations > About KBSI Home

KBSI is cooperating with leading overseas organizations to promote basic science, the basis for the development of national science and technology. With collaborators, KBSI is conducting research and development, research support, and joint research related to analytical science and technology, and R&D infrastructures such as research facilities and equipment.
KBSI strives to become a world-class open research platform by engaging in activities such as joint research, joint development of equipment, and exchange of researchers. KBSI plays a key role in strengthening our infrastructure for science to improve the quality of life of the Korean people.

Status of Cooperation image-USA, Japan, Slovenia, Greece, Denmark, Czech, EU, UAE

KBSI Collaborators

KBSI Collaborators
Country Institution Subject Web Page
USA National High Magnetic
Field Laboratory
Development of scientific
research equipment
Web Page Icon
Japan Osaka University HVEM protein structure research,
Development of scientific
research equipment
Web Page Icon
RIKEN NMR application Web Page Icon
Slovenia Josef Stefan Institute Nanotechnology, Biotechnology Web Page Icon
Greece National Center for
Scientific Research
Nanotechnology, Chemistry Web Page Icon
Denmark Amager and Hvidovre
7 T Human MRI application Web Page Icon
Czech HiLASE Center Development of scientific
research equipment
Web Page Icon
EU European Science
Co-utilization of
research facilities and equipment
Web Page Icon
UAE Khalifa University
of Science and Technology
Technical Center(KUTC)
Web Page Icon